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Keira O’Donnell


Keira O’Donnell joins the team with a profound dedication to advancing multiple sclerosis (MS) research, armed with a biology degree and a wealth of knowledge in holistic health. Her journey into the MS community is deeply personal, stemming from her experience as a mother to a daughter diagnosed with paediatric-onset MS at the age of 15. Keira has successfully implemented the MS Hope protocol, including the best bet diet, which has remarkably kept her daughter symptom-free of MS for many years, showcasing the potential of diet and holistic approaches in managing the condition.

With over three years of volunteer experience with the BranchOut Foundation, where she played a pivotal role in organising the "Your Brain on Art" event, Keira has demonstrated her commitment to community improvement and support for MS patients. Her extensive involvement in her children’s schools further highlights her dedication to community service and empowerment through education.

In addition to her advocacy and volunteer work, Keira is a talented silversmith and jewelry designer, as well as an avid cook, bringing creativity and passion into all aspects of her life. As a wife and mother of three girls, she embodies the values of care, support, and empowerment, which are central to MS Hope's mission. Keira's strong belief in the science and philosophy behind MS Hope makes her an invaluable addition to the team, where she is eager to contribute to the organisation's efforts in supporting the MS community with her extensive experience, especially in assisting teenagers and implementing holistic health strategies.