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Carly Pettinger


Carly Pettinger brings expertise in municipal government, provincial politics and strategic communications to the MS Hope board as a new member. With nearly a decade of experience advising Members of Provincial Parliament and more recently, municipal leaders, Carly excels in media relations, public engagement, and crafting impactful communication strategies. She has effectively coordinated outreach and community initiatives, such as Girls' Government and Leading Women, Leading Girls Community Recognition Program, showcasing her ability to connect with diverse stakeholders and advocate for meaningful causes. Her prior roles, including Legislative/Communications Assistant and Outreach Coordinator, underscore her skills in systemic advocacy and constituent support. Carly's academic achievements in Human Rights and Gender Studies from Carleton University further solidify her commitment to public service. Additionally, her leadership roles in various volunteer capacities, including chairing the Bereaved Families of Ontario - Midwestern Region's Board of Directors, demonstrate her dedication to community building. Carly's close connection to the MS community fuels her commitment to supporting MS research and advocacy, bringing a personal and passionate perspective to her work with MS Hope.